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2020년 셀프체크아웃 시장 현황

by 방랑하는 오딧세이 2021. 12. 13.

2020년 팬데믹 이후 글로벌 셀프 체크아웃 장비 선적량이 25% 증가.(by RBR consulting firm)
하지만 여전히 고객경험이 개선되어야 한다는 응답이 67%.
맥킨지에 따르면 일부 문제에도 불구하고 셀프 체크아웃을 사용하려는 소비자 비율은 전염병 발생 첫 18개월 동안 30%에서 45%로 증가.
개선이 필요한 문제점으로는 스캔의 어려움, 스캔 코드 찾기 문제, 중량 오류, 결제 문제 등이 포함.


원문  Self-checkout machine shipments jump 25% in 2020, issues remain| Coping with COVID-19 | Kiosk Marketplace


Self-checkout machine shipments jump 25% in 2020, issues remain

Self-checkout machine shipments jumped 25% in 2020 due to the pandemic, but the customer experience still needs improvement, as 67% of retailers and consumers indicated experiencing some failure with the technology, according to a report in The Wall Street



